National Orienteering Day
Woodland Park, Seattle - May 5, 2001

Event Director: Rick Hood
Meet Staff: Harvey Friedman, Sandy Kish Miller,
Eric Bone, Anna and Jan Urban, Ardis Dull,
Eileen and Kelsey Breseman, Jim Siscel,
Kean Williams, and Bruce McAlister 

It was a warm and sunny day, a perfect time
to experience orienteering for the first time.
Indeed, over 100 new and seasoned orienteers
enjoyed the some exceptional courses set by
11-year-old Matej Urban (NOD courses 1 & 2)
and Doug Sprugel (seasoned orienteers, where
the map showed only contours and point features).
So, congratulations to all who tried
orienteering for the first time or just came
out and joined us for a great day at Woodland
Park. Everyone went home with a smile!!!
A very special thanks to Brunton and Maptech for
donating items in support of NOD.

Course 1 (1k)
Amy & Tamara
Robin Barson
Carlos Brito
Rafael Castro
Jeff Cooper
Tomas & Michael Corey
Brian Dans
Randy Davis
Harvard Eidsmo
Amanda Eng
Clara Frenandes
Denise H 
Elda Harada
Matt Hazel
Sam Hooker
Amy K
Mike LaScala
Teresa LaScala
Trish McGuire
Devin Moore
Lowell Parris
Michael Tee
Troop #1450-2
Troop 1298-2
Troop 1450-1
Troop 977-1
Troop 977-2

Course 2 (1.8k)
Randy Davis                         12:53
Elda Harada                         15:11
Clara Fernnades & Rafael Castro     17:15
Ben Sprugel                         20:23
Lowell Parris & Jeff Cooper         20:23
Renee L & Justin                    21:28
Anna Urban & Kelsey Breseman        21:43
Matt & Amy                          21:58
Amy & T                             22:03
Carlos Brito                        22:27
Thomas Sadilek                      24:02
Susan St. John & Ana Green          25:29
Kent Jameson                        26:32
Ed P                                27:22
Trish McGuire                       28:24
Denise H & Mike LaScala             31:20
John & Angelo of Troop 319          32:28
Amanda Eng                          32:46
Kathy McDonald                      34:02
Brian Davis                         34:11
Drew & Alex of Troop 319            35:50
Robin Barson                        37:01
Logan Knowles                       40:18
Tim & Dylan of Troop 319            44:30
Alice H, & Danielle                 44:34
Claudi, Jessica, Kristy, & Jerri    50:48
Sherie, Oneyda, Michelle            50:48
Mike, Eric, and Jesse               51:18
D Kelly                             53:24
Emma H                              69:34
Craig Wyes                          Maphiker
Michael and Connor Tee              Maphiker
Chris Smith                         Maphiker

Course 3 (1.8k) - contours & point features only
Tomas Eidsmo                        10:04
Eric Bone                           10:16
Jan Urban                           11:39
Gro Eidsmo                          14:13
Eileen Breseman                     15:07
Chris Parsons & Derrick N.          15:23
Oyvind Naess                        16:08
Ardis Dull                          20:31
Eugene Groff & Cheryl Marek         21:08
Kean Williams                       21:18
Curtis C                            22:27
Don Denbo                           23:11
Sandy Kish Miller                   23:19
Jim Siscel                          24:42
Paul & Sarah Shanahan               24:57
Targo Tennisberg                    25:28
Terry Bryant                        26:22 
Mac MacDonald                       27:48
Ms. Stratton                        28:36
Arthur Laksberg                     30:33
Ken Lew                             31:25
Bob & Pat Reddick                   47:49
Chris, Nick, and Henry              66:19
Tom Jarecki & Mike Singer           Maphiker

Last update: June 17, 2001

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