Event Director: Don Atkinson Courses: Eric Bone Registration: Dave Petty Marker Pickup: Eric Bone, Dale Width, Don Atkinson Eric Bone set some challenging courses on the previously unused western section of the Teanaway Forks area. Courses 3 and 4 had a mass start at 11 am. Course 3 was the same as course 4 for the first 3 controls. Course 1 (1.9 Km) Ethan Meyer 23:06 Kelsey & Dana Breseman 27:46 Ben Sprugel 32:00 Course 2 (3.1 Km) John Virnig 49:51 Harvey Friedman 51:47 Ryan Breseman 59:48 Ethan Meyer 63:48 Course 3 (5.9 Km) Dale Width 108:50 Matej Urban 119:59 Ardis Dull 120:10 Stuart Bradshaw* 121:52 Ben Lischner 143:16 Doug Sprugel 157:09 Don Denbo DNF Anne York DNF Dave Petty* DNF Dave Reynolds DNF Ken Lew DNF * Not part of mass start Course 4 (11.5 Km) Rick Breseman 118:28 Jon Campbell 126:57 Ernst Linder 134:31 Jan Urban 138:33 Mac MacDonald 155:03 Oyvind Naess 157:15 David Tallent 175:55 Jennifer Knowles 199:12 Eileen Breseman 203:42 Tyler Frederickson 209:30 Debbie Newell 229:57 Patrick Kelly 234:36 Theo Brown DNF Dave Parsons DNF |
Last update: June 17, 2001
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